Welcome To Hope Community Allotment

Published on 2021-10-15

HOPE is a community gardening project in Firth Park. We offer a supportive and safe outdoor space where people of all ages can learn how to grow organic vegetables and fruit. As well as growing produce and learning new skills, our users benefit from getting exercise in the open air, access to fresh, healthy produce and making new friends.

HOPE is open to people of all ages. Children are welcome provided they are accompanied by a parent or other adult. Gardening is an activity that promotes healthy living and particularly benefits people with learning disabilities and restricted physical or mental health. Our project has many years’ experience working with people who face these challenges.

We are keen to encourage new volunteers to join our project. Our volunteers provide valuable support to our users, working alongside them and showing them how to do various tasks. Volunteers are also vital in undertaking some tasks that cannot be done easily by our users.

National Lottery Community Fund